Saturday, November 16, 2013

Dwelling on Dreams

Today I started several new blogs and made new Pinterest boards to go with them. I like to give my creativity free rein, even if it seems crazy sometimes. I need input, fresh things to work on, new things to ponder.

And speaking of pondering, we were watching the first Harry Potter movie again. Remember when Harry was staring into the magic mirror and Dumbledore said, "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." And I realized in that moment that my 'magic mirror' was the Internet. I can fantasize about all my dreams without actively pursuing any of them, and I think that's really been holding me back for the last ten years. In the mirror I see all my dreams being realized, only it's an illusion. Once I leave Youtube or Pinterest or Facebook, I still haven't gotten closer to my dreams.  

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Musings on Life and Veteran's Day

I wrote this on Facebook and decided to repost it here so I don't lose track of it.

I just want to take a pause today. Trying to survive I have an iron in many a fire, and in a way I feel like I'm being drawn and quartered. Yesterday I sat in my zen garden so I could have a moment alone. A big black raven flew by and I could hear its wings beating against the air.

I have a few energy vampires in my life. One is innocent enough but for some reason she wants to wedge herself into my life. And the other is just a brat, demanding and whining until I can hardly bear him. What kind of person do I need to evolve into to attract the kind of people I want and need in my life? I think I need mentors, but I don't need micro-managers.

I also just unfriended someone who believes our country should be government and religion all melted into one big lump of glass. What happened to the separation of church and state? Is that no longer a valued truth? As we approach Veteran's Day, I ponder how they fought so we could have freedom, including freedom of religion. That means we can't meld our government into 'God and Country' when people have the freedom to believe in various forms of god or to not believe in god or to be undecided. Or to put it bluntly 'when government and religion are combined, people get burned at the stake.'

The foothills are glorious today. As soon as the chill is off the air, I plan to sit and gaze at the beauty of nature, and realize I belong to the Earth, not the other way around.