I am rejoicing that the weather is cool for a change. In spite of getting 4 hours of sleep last night, I have more energy than I do when it is in the triple digits.
I wrote a 2nd letter to my friend who is at National Guard boot camp. I hope the letters aren't too boring. I barely know the guy. He's our newest neighbor. He's married with a new baby at home.
His birthday is in early September, so I need to get a birthday card off to him soon. I wanted to shop for one yesterday, but I didn't think to look at Winco, and Fletcher was too tired to go to the .99 shop. He was all shopped out by then.
I bought wooden and bamboo spoons to do wood burning designs. If they come out they are going in my Etsy shop. If not, I'm going to have a lot of spoons for stirring batter.
I'm working hard on my personal goals, but I'm so sick of looking at myself that I could just scream.
Someone sent me 2 new pairs of heels to cheer me up. One pair is too small, and on the other pair I've already managed to lose part of the trim, and I haven't even worn them yet! Now where did that little spike get off to? Weird. If I'd bought them myself, I would just return them for a refund, but it is a bit more complicated when it is a gift from someone in another state. FYI if I say I wear wide shoes and regular shoes won't fit, trust me on that one. I'm not even sure I want to tell him. I don't want to ruin his fun. What is that about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? I may find the spike, but I took them outside to take this photo so if it fell off in the sand, it will be like finding a needle in a haystack. Plus now I'm afraid to wear them because I don't want more to fall out.

Although I'm not a big fan of 'thinspiration' I do like the idea of 'fitspiration'. For once in my life I'd like to be really fit, you know what I mean? I'm working on the Paleo diet, but I never realized before now how addicted I am to corn and potatoes. I feel like I grew up on a farm in Iowa or something. Potatoes and corn are cheap fillers, so that is what a lot of us grew up on. Like last night Fletcher made sauteed fish and I made roasted potatoes. He didn't want me to fill up on fish because it is more expensive. He made a nice salad too. I didn't have the heart to tell him I really needed to leave off the potatoes and the cheese in the salad and just eat a lot of fish and salad. I know the fish costs more, but if I don't eat the other stuff it will lower the cost of the dinner, right?
Plus I want to make chicken enchiladas and I shouldn't eat those either. No grains and no cheese. Sigh. I don't have that much resolve.
I revised one of my old Twitter accounts and changed the name to WillowLeviosa to match my Pottermore name. It's an encouragement Twitter feed. If you want to follow me just search for that name. It forces me to focus on positive things to say and having a law of attraction mindset. Such things do not come naturally to me. My father was the King of sarcasm and so I became the Princess of Sarcasm. I enjoy being witty and clever but I realized it wasn't going to get me very far, unless I want to become a stand-up comic.