Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thursday Thoughts

It's a new day. I didn't sleep well and have a bit of a sore throat. It was warm when we walked into the house last night for the first time in weeks. I was able to sleep under one blanket instead of 3 and I didn't have to wear a hat to bed. Even so I was so stressed out from the day before that I couldn't stay asleep. I got up at 6:30 and slept in the recliner for a few more hours. I think I slept until 10:30 and now I feel really weird. I had fantastic dreams though, which I wrote about in my 'craft-a-day' blog.

 I don't know what I want to do today though. It's raining intermittently, so I don't really want to get a project going outside, only to have to rush it back into a dry place if the rain dumps on me.I'm trying to finish some books. Today is my library day, but I don't feel well enough to go. I guess I just feel sad since people keep giving me a bad time about having too much stuff. I want to paint, but then I start thinking how if nothing sells, I'll just be stuck with even more paintings to store until the day comes when someone realizes I actually have some talent. What if Van Gogh had just dumped all his paintings in the trash, so his house would be clean and his friends and relatives would stop judging him and complaining? I'm tired of being misunderstood. I wish everyone would just leave me alone.

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